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The apostle Paul says God loves a cheerful giver. Alex Foundation is blessed to have generous cheerful givers who make our summer camps and year-round programming possible at no cost to students, teachers, families, schools or school districts. This year’s cheerful givers, who give their time, money and resources include:
Sponsors, Partners and Supporters
CABE Foundation
Frank Hickingbotham Charitable Trust Foundation
Mrs. Lisenne Rockefeller
Mr. Ray and Mrs. Phyllis Simon
​City of Lake Village
​Mrs. Helen Herron
​Monticello Walmart
UA Monticello Taylor House and Hollywood Plantation
Ms. Melinda French
Cromwell Architects Engineers
J Wallace Trust
Watson Community Development Corporation
Faye Parker
Janis F. Kearney
Mitch Grant
Turner Snax
For Sponsorship Opportunities
Alex Foundation 10th Year Anniversary
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